- 只接受個人網上報名;
- 不接受同一電郵有2人或以上的報名;
- 如成功報名,大會即會發出確認電郵。若付款後兩小時內仍未收到電郵通知,請盡快於辦公時間內致電「力行社」查詢;
- 報名額滿即止。
主辦: | 力行社有限公司 | |
活動: | 慶祝中華人民共和國74周年暨20公里長跑國慶盃 |
路線 | 請參看路線圖 |
活動日期 | 2023年10月8日 (星期日) |
起步時間 | 20公里 0700 10公里 0720 |
起步地點 | 雙子橋 |
距離 | 時限 | 報名費 |
20公里 | 3小時 | HK$250 |
10公里 | 1.5小時 | HK$180 |
其中20歲或以下(即2003年1月1日之後出生者) 10公里報名費 HK$100。 在報名系統,選擇打√ 全日制學生,即只付費$100。
設有「完成證書」實體版,行政及郵遞費用每張HK$100 ,不設到取;參加者亦可自行下載電子證書,費用全免。
可自費認購精美的「國慶盃」紀念T恤,優惠價每件 HK$100。
每位參加者可自由額外捐款,凡捐款HK$100或以上可要求發出免稅收據。 參賽者捐款將撥作「力行社」會務發展之用。
參加者更改活動項目,必須在2023年9月11日前辦理,每次繳交行政費 HK$100。
- 所有報名將於收妥活動報名費後才作處理;
- 報名一經接受,或有重複報名(只計一人資料),報名費均不獲發還及不得轉讓;
- 如賽事因天氣或其他因素被迫取消,本會不作另行安排及退款;
- 本會不設任何上訴;
- 參加者的個人保險需自行負責;
- 大會設有輕便較小的行李寄存,但參加者需自行保管貴重物品,如有遺失,恕不負責;
- 大會在線道上設有支裝水的水站;
- 本會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利;
- 若活動當天懸掛八號或以上颱風、黑色暴雨訊號或非人力可控制之情況影響(例如新型肺炎疫情持續),活動將會取消;
- 參加者個人資料只作是次及相關活動使用;
- 大會保留因應道路實際情況或緊急情況下,於活動前或因進行中更改賽道之權利而無須另行通知;
- 大會有權不接受參賽者報名。
電 話: 2607 1780 (辦公時間:星期一至五 10:00-13:00,14:00-17:00,星期六、日及公眾假期休息)
地 址:沙田石門安心街19號滙貿中心19樓1902室
網 頁︰www.acthk.org
電 郵︰inquiry@acthk.org
WhatsApp 號碼:5100 0097
Participants must WhatsApp their personal name to Activist Association for implementation. You can receive the latest notifications of the event at any time. Please pay attention to the final revision .
Please first register to supply our system with some necessary information including your email address. You may enroll after your email address has been confirmed.
- Only online enrolment of individuals will be accepted.
- Only one single enrolment per e-mail address.
- A confirmation e-mail will be sent immediately upon each successful enrolment. If no e-mail notification is received within two hours after settlement of payment, please contact Activist Association as soon as possible during office hours.
- Enrolment will close when the quota is reached.
Organizer: | Activist Association Limited | |
Event: | Celebration of the 74th anniversary of the PRC - National Day 20KM |
Route |
Please refer to the Route Map |
Event Date |
8th Oct 2023 (Sunday) |
Start Time |
20 KM 0700 10 KM 0720 |
Starting Point |
Twin Bridge, Shing Mun River |
20KM |
3 hours |
HK$250 |
10KM |
1.5 hours |
HK$180 |
Note: For participants aged 20 or below (born after January 1, 2003), the registration fee of 10KM is HK$100 only.
Event Completion Certificate is available. HK$100 will be charged for each Event Completion Certificate to cover administration costs and postage. Participants can also download the e-certificate free of charge.
To subscribe the 「2023 Running for Hong Kong Return to the Motherland」T-Shirt,special price at HK$100 each.
Voluntary donations are welcome. Donations over HK$100 are tax-deductible and receipts are available upon request. All donations will be channeled into the Activist Association's development.
No requests for alteration of entry will be entertained after the 11st Sep 2023, an administration fee of HK$100 will be charged for each request.
- No enrolment will be processed until the entry fee is well received.
- No refund or transfer of entry fees will be entertained once the enrolment is accepted or when there is double enrolment (and only one enrolment is counted).
- No other arrangements or refund will be made if the event has to be cancelled because of adverse weather or other factors.
- No appeals will be entertained.
- Participants should be responsible for personal insurance coverage of their own.
- Smaller luggage deposit service will be available but participants should be responsible for their own valuables. The Organizer disclaims responsibilities for loss of participants' properties.
- Bottle water supply stations will be set up along the event courses.
- The Organizer has the right to amend and interpret the rules above.
- In case of typhoon signal No. 8 or above, black rainstorm warning, or other situations beyond human control (e.g.COVID- 19 cannot be controled), the event will be cancelled.
- Personal data of participants will only be used for this event and related activities.
- The Organizer reserves the right to change the event courses without prior notice before or during the event in accordance with the road conditions or emergencies at the time.
- The Organizer has the right to reject enrolment of any participant.
Tel : 2607 1780 (Office hours: Monday to Friday 1000-1700, closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)
Address : Room 1902, 19/F, New Commerce Centre, 19 On Sum Street, Shek Mun, Shatin N.T.
Website : www.acthk.org
E-mail : inquiry@acthk.org
WhatsApp No.:5100 0097